Chemistry ? NFDI4Chem ! poster at HeFDI 2020

We will present an NFDI4Chem Poster at this year’s HeFDI Plenary 2020 on 17/12/2020. Virtually, of course. But that opens the opportunity to provide the Poster also in this post: NFDI4Chem@HeFDI2020 (click to advance frames). The video is also available on YouTube, including the MakingOf in the video description. Enjoy, and in case of questions, contact us on the website or by eMail.


More and more digital research data are generated. So, new concepts are essential: In which data formats can data be stored in the long term? How and where can data be stored? Which information of the experiment / the simulation should be noted in the metadata? How can these data be made accessible for group members and other researchers? How can these data be made findable for researchers and KI algorithms?

In order to implement the FAIR data principles (findable, accessible, interoperable and re-usable), the DFG funds a national research data management infrastructure with members of university and non-university research, infrastructure facilities, learned societies as well as publishing houses and industry. This long-term project is supported with up to 85 million euros per year from 2020 for a period of ten years.

In chemistry, NFDI4Chem tackles the challenges of research data management nationally but also internationally (e.g. in the context of IUPAC, EOSC und RDA).[2,3] NFDI4Chem is a consortium consisting of representatives from universities and non-university research institutions, infrastructure facilities and the German Chemical Society, the Bunsen Society and the German Pharmaceutical Society. The focus of the NFDI4Chem consortium is on the molecule itself, its properties and reactions. The project started on 1st of October 2020.[4]


[1] M. Wilkinson, M. Dumontier, I. Aalbersberg, I. et al. Sci Data 2016, 3, 160018.

[2] S. Herres-Pawlis, O. Koepler, C. Steinbeck, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 10766-10768

[3] Steinbeck C, Koepler O, Bach F, Herres-Pawlis S, Jung N, Liermann JC, Neumann S, Razum M, Baldauf C, Biedermann F, Bocklitz TW, Boehm F, Broda F, Czodrowski P, Engel T, Hicks MG, Kast SM, Kettner C, Koch W, Lanza G, Link A, Mata RA, Nagel WE, Porzel A, Schlörer N, Schulze T, Weinig H-G, Wenzel W, Wessjohann LA, Wulle S, Research Ideas and Outcomes, 2020, 6: e55852.
